My Dotfiles
My config files for neovim, tmux, iterm2 and zsh.
Github repos:
Neovim plugin highlights
nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim: fuzzy find files and live grep, and switch between git branches and commits
glepnir/lspsaga.nvim: adds UI for LSP to peek definition, find implementations, hover doc, etc.
tpope/vim-surround: surrounds text or change surroundings e.g. quotes, parentheses, brackets, etc with vim motion
nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua: file explorer within neovim
Theme: catppuccin-macchiato
Tmux plugins
vim-tmux-navigator: navigate between neovim panes and tmux splits with vim keybindings
tmux-continuum: automatically saves sessions every 15 minutes
tmux-resurrect: persist tmux sessions after computer restart