About me
I've always been a tech enthusiast who follows tech news closely and watches coding video for fun. Born as a tinkerer, I've taken apart electronics when I was a kid, flashed custom Android ROMs for fun, and recently tinkered with Neovim and Tmux configs to optimise my coding workflow.

Tech has always been a side hobby of mine, and the thought of working in the tech industry never came across my mind until recently.

Throughout my 3-year experience working as an actuarial analyst, I noticed that the tasks that I enjoyed the most involved programming: writing Excel macros, automating tasks with windows batch scripts, and writing C# functions for our new spreadsheet model.

Having discovered my passion in programming, I took the leap to study web development full time in 2022. I now strive to be a software developer who delivers great digital experiences to the users.

Bsc in Actuarial Science (First Class Honours)

2016 - 2019 | London School of Economics and Political Science, London, United Kingdom

Studied mathematics, statistics, economics, and finance.


Actuarial Analyst

Sep 2019 - Sep 2022 | Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  • Maintained and updated internal pricing excel models to incorporate business requirements e.g. new products or product revisions.
  • Wrote C# functions while migrating a pricing model onto a new platform, and ensured consistency between the new model and the existing Excel model.
  • Drafted requirement documents and facilitated user acceptance testing (UAT), accuracy testing and regression testing for various iPad apps used by our agents, and for our internal insurance calculation model and its peripheral systems.

  • Languages: Typescript / Javascript, HTML & CSS, SQL, Bash
  • Frameworks / Libraries: React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, PostgreSQL, Prisma, tRPC, Node.js, Express.js
  • Tools: Git, Neovim, Tmux, Homebrew
  • Platforms: Github, Vercel, Supabase, Railway, Mailtrap, Fly.io
  • Human Languages: English, Chinese, Malay
© 2024 Vincent Chuck